Recíproco encaje y coherencia de los ámbitos de los Reglamentos comunitarios de Derecho internacional privado

This project studies the limits and reciprocal coherence of the material scope of EC Regulations and other normative instruments of the EU in the field of private international law. This is mainly a practical problem for those implementing the law, who lack the tools for interpretation and integration within their own national law. The objectives are to verify, detect, and systematise the problems of limits and gaps in the EU Regulations on private international law; and to formulate proposals for solutions, mainly within the interpretative jurisprudence of the EU Court of Justice and for the doctrine.

Project details (GREC)


Quim Forner Delaygua
Cristina Gonzalez Beilfuss
Cristina Pellise de Urquiza
Maria Alvarez Torne
Georgina Garriga Suau
Josep Maria Fontanellas Morell
Diana B. Marin Consarnau
Maria Font Mas
Lukas Heckendorn
Rodrigo Rodriguez
Ilaria Pretelli
Jorge Erazo Robles
Alegria Borras Rodriguez

