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The priority research areas of the Consolidated Research Group on International Law and European Union Law (2021 SGR 00307 DIDUE) are:

(a) The interrelation between the maintenance of international peace and security, international humanitarian law and international protection of human rights.
The maintenance of international peace and security as the aim of the United Nations and the codification of the progressive development of international humanitarian law have been two interrelated and highly relevant aspects of the international legal order. The Research Group has extensive experience in this area. Moreover, action in this area cannot be separated from the cross-cutting action that the international protection of human rights implies, a line in which the Research Group has consolidated its position by participating in and coordinating research projects, with a human rights focus.

b) The deepening of the integration of the European Union and its legal consequences on citizens.
The deepening of the European integration process has brought with it new challenges and legal problems affecting the status of individuals, which have not always been adequately addressed.

c) Biodiversity, climate and global public health in international law.
The general objective of this line of research is to identify the challenges and opportunities that the Covid-19 crisis has created in relation to the international and European legal frameworks applicable to the international conservation and protection of biodiversity and the fight against climate change.

Project details (GREC)