Condicionantes regulatorios internacionales y comunitarios en un marco de gobernanza multinivel para la formulación de estrategias contra la pobreza en España

The purpose of this project is to study the international and EU regulatory constraints that (by themselves and/or through their interactions) are likely to limit the scope of decisions and actions aimed at alleviating poverty from the point of view of the SDGs and international human rights law. The reference of the proposed analysis is a Member State of the European Union (Spain), due to its high rate of poverty and exclusion in relation to the countries of the European Union (EU) and due to the special incidence of the COVID-19 pandemic on this country. Therefore, the examination carried out of the regulatory conditions in Spain is projected on a multilevel governance scenario.

1) The international and community regulatory conditions, in principle, are favourable to affirming the need for a poverty alleviation strategy in Spain, not only as part of a commitment derived from the SDGs (as a manifestation of a new approach to global governance) or the legal obligations stemming from international human rights law, but also of the consideration of the fight against poverty and exclusion as one of the specific objectives of the EU and its Member States in the field of social policy.

2) The mitigation of poverty and social exclusion involves the strengthening, according to the prospects of the European Commission in 2020, of a social market economy, with a double recurring reference of international and community regulatory constraints: a) the potential persistence of regulatory parameters that may limit, from the international and EU perspective, the development options of such strategies against poverty and social exclusion, as a result of regulatory constraints inserted in a certain understanding of global and European governance from an economic prism; and b) the durability of the circumstantial facilitation, on the occasion of the COVID-19 pandemic, of the temporary deviation of certain regulatory parameters of economic governance -for example, of the requirements of the Stability and Growth Pact- and/or when regulatory parameters will be back in effect (if not reviewed).

3) Improving poverty alleviation strategies implies creating a real governance framework that involves, in addition to the social partners, all the social stakeholders of the third sector in defining these strategies, and the third sector in the implementation of these policies.

Project details (GREC)


Jordi Bonet Pérez (Main Researcher)
Jose Antonio Estevez Araujo (Co-Main Researcher)
Marta Ortega Gomez
Antonio Gimenez Merino
Juan Antonio Alujas Ruiz
David Bondia Garcia
Javier Fernandez Pons
Antonio Madrid Perez
Jose Luis Gordillo Ferre
Rosa Ana Alija Fernandez
Pepa Burriel Rodriguez
Maria Julia Barcelo
Elisenda Calvet Martinez