Laura Huici Sancho presented on the topic of the UN WTO action to revive tourism in times of COVID-19 at the ESIL Annual Conference (ESIL Interest Group on International Organizations). The event was held at the University of Stockholm from August 31st to September 2nd, 2021.
The purpose of this project is to study the international and EU regulatory constraints that (by themselves and/or through their interactions) are likely to limit the scope of decisions and actions aimed at alleviating poverty from the point of view of the SDGs and international human rights law. The reference… Read more“Condicionantes regulatorios internacionales y comunitarios en un marco de gobernanza multinivel para la formulación de estrategias contra la pobreza en España”
The Research project pursues the overall objective of identifying the challenges and opportunities that the COVID-19 crisis has created in relation to the international and European legal frameworks applicable to the conservation and international protection of biodiversity and to the fight against climate change. In turn, it aims to provide… Read more“La biodiversidad, el clima y la salud pública global: Interacciones y desafíos para el Derecho Internacional”
About From the digitalization of archives that document genocide atrocities to the use of this technology in the capture and prosecution of perpetrators, the landscape of interdisciplinary genocide studies and genocide prevention is rapidly changing. As the field of genocide studies has grown and diversified in the 21st century, the… Read more“18-23/08/2021 – International Congress: “Genocide and Its Prevention in the Digital Age: 21st Century Challenges””
Elisenda Calvet Martínez and Aitor Díaz Anabitarte, Right to Land, Housing, and Property In: Just Peace After Conflict. Edited by: Carsten Stahn and Jens Iverson, Oxford University Press (2020, 252-266 Access to full content on the publisher’s website
Alija Fernández, R.A., “Reconciliation Without Transitional Justice? The Challenges of Imposed Reconciliation in Spain”. In Reconciliation after War. Historical Perspectives on Transitional Justice, 2021. ISBN: 9780367346553 [forthcoming]
This book examines how the EU can be a more proactive actor in the promotion of the principles of sustainability and fairness from a legal environmental perspective. The book is one of the results of the research activity of the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Environmental Law (2017-2020) funded by… Read more“The European Union and Global Environmental Protection. Transforming Influence into Action, ed. Mar Campins”
Edited by Stefania Negri, Routledge, 2019. This book presents a broad overview of the many intersections between health and the environment that lie at the basis of the most crucial environmental health issues, focusing on the responses provided by international and EU law. Consistent with the One Health approach and… Read more“Environmental Health in International and EU Law. Current Challenges and Legal Responses, ed. Stefania Negri (chapters by Mar Campins & Xavier Fernández Pons)”
Campins Eritja, M. “Transboundary water management in Central Asia and its implications on regional security”, Paix et Sécurité Internationales. Journal of International Law and International Relations, núm. 7, 2019. This paper draws from the situation of imbalance in the use of water resources among the Central Asian States, in a… Read more““Transboundary water management in Central Asia and its implications on regional security”, by Mar Campins”