“CETA on investment: the definitive surrender of EU Law to GATS and NAFTA/BITs” in Common Market Law Review, by Xavier Fernández Pons

Provisions on investment in the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the EU, both on substance and on dispute settlement procedures, are the culmination of a long process of replacement of the original EEC approach to establishment by the approaches followed by the GATS, the North American… Read more““CETA on investment: the definitive surrender of EU Law to GATS and NAFTA/BITs” in Common Market Law Review, by Xavier Fernández Pons”

Public International Law and Human Rights Violations by Private Military and Security Companies, by Helena Torroja

Editors: Torroja, Helena (Ed.) Springer International Publishing DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-66098-1 ISBN 978-3-319-66098-1 Focuses on human security and the impact of PMSCs on the protection of human rights Addresses soft-law initiatives in addition to existing international hard-law norms to regulate PMSCs Examines the possibility of introducing an international minimum standard to regulate… Read more“Public International Law and Human Rights Violations by Private Military and Security Companies, by Helena Torroja”

“Towards a Single and Comprehensive Notion of ‘Civilian Population’ in Crimes against Humanity” in International Criminal Law Review, by Rosa Ana Alija

Although an essential element of the definition of crimes against humanity is that a civilian population be targeted, there is no agreement on what ‘civilian population’ means in this context. The notion has been given different meanings depending on whether the crimes are committed in times of conflict or peacetime…. Read more““Towards a Single and Comprehensive Notion of ‘Civilian Population’ in Crimes against Humanity” in International Criminal Law Review, by Rosa Ana Alija”

“Silence and the right to justice: confronting impunity in Spain” in The International Journal of Human Rights, by Rosa Ana Alija

Rosa Ana Alija Fernández & Olga Martin-Ortega Silence may play different roles during post-authoritarian and transitional periods: in Spain, it has been a key element for impunity. Silence was twice imposed on victims: first, after the end of the civil war and during dictatorship, silence was a survival strategy to… Read more““Silence and the right to justice: confronting impunity in Spain” in The International Journal of Human Rights, by Rosa Ana Alija”

“Prorogation of Jurisdiction”, by Cristina González Beilfuss

González Beilfuss, Cristina, “Prorogation of Jurisdiction” in Honorati. C. (ed): Jurisdiction in Matrimonial Matters, Parental Responsibility and Abduction Proceedings. A Handbook on the Application of Brussels II a Regulations in National Courts, Torino: Giappiccheli/Peter Lang, 2017, pp. 183-198. ISBN: 978-3-631-77595-0 (Chapter 6).