Research areas

The Research Group will continue its basic research work on contemporary International Law and European Union law, in which two central themes predominate: multilevel governance in any of the topics addressed, and the aims and milestones of the Agenda 2030. During this period, the research areas to which the competitive… Read more“Research areas”


The priority research areas of the Consolidated Research Group on International Law and European Union Law (2021 SGR 00307 DIDUE) are: (a) The interrelation between the maintenance of international peace and security, international humanitarian law and international protection of human rights. The maintenance of international peace and security as the… Read more“Home”


Andreu Olesti Rayo (Investigador principal) Pàgina web personal Marta Abegón Novella Pàgina web personal Rosa Ana Alija Fernández Pàgina web personal Milagros Álvarez-Verdugo Pàgina web personal Vésela Andreeva Andreeva Eva Andrés Aucejo Pàgina web personal Beatriz Añoveros Terradas Maximiliano Astorga Beltran Anna Maria Badia Martí Pàgina web personal Marcia Bertoldi… Read more“Membres”

3-4/06/2019 – 19th International Wildlife Law Conference

The 19th International Wildlife Law Conference (IWLC-19) was held on June 3-4, 2019, in Barcelona, Spain. The conference was hosted by the University of Barcelona Faculty of Law in partnership with Stetson’s Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy. IWLC-19 brought together a variety of professionals involved in wildlife conservation, including lawyers,… Read more“3-4/06/2019 – 19th International Wildlife Law Conference”

“Enforced Disappearances in International Law” in Oxford Bibliographies in International Law, by Elisenda Calvet

Introduction Enforced disappearances is a multiple and ongoing violation of human rights that is often associated with Latin America; however, it is neither the exclusive patrimony of any single region of the world nor a practice of the past. During the Second World War, the Nazis exercised the practice of… Read more““Enforced Disappearances in International Law” in Oxford Bibliographies in International Law, by Elisenda Calvet”

“Protection of personal data in cyberspace: The EU-US e-market regime” in ASEAN Journal of Legal Studies, por Milagros Álvarez Verdugo

Autors: Tassanakunlapan, Tossapon ; Álvarez-Verdugo, Milagros Títol: Protection of personal data in cyberspace: The EU-US e-market regime Revista: 013630 – ASEAN Journal of Legal Studies () ISSN: 2651-1797 Volum: 1    Pàgina inicial: 51    Pàgina final: 71     Any: 2018    Clau: Article Enllaç electrònic: Full text (pdf)… Read more““Protection of personal data in cyberspace: The EU-US e-market regime” in ASEAN Journal of Legal Studies, por Milagros Álvarez Verdugo”

26/10/2018 – ‘Side event’ Key legal/policy issues in COP13 draft Resolutions on climate change, in the 13th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Ramsar Convention (Dubai)

“Side-event” about Key legal/policy issues in COP13 draft Resolutions on climate change, 26th of October 2018, at the 13th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Ramsar Convention, in Dubai (Arab Emirates) More information