EU-DELEC Vues d’Europe: Élections européennes et enjeux de la transition écologique, les inégalités et de la crise migratoire, 30 octobre 2019, Université de Rennes 2-CNRS/ODE, Rennes, France. Plus d’information
Category: English
18-19/09/2019 – Dynamique du Droit et activisme des juges, Université de Neuchâtel
Futuro y retos jurídicos de la Unión Económica y Monetaria
The project is based on the hypothesis that the economic-financial and sovereign debt crisis has given a new dimension to the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), increasing the European treatment of the economic and budgetary policies of the member states. However, many of the new European structures were born in… Read more“Futuro y retos jurídicos de la Unión Económica y Monetaria”
Diversidad biológica y Derecho Internacional: nuevos problemas y tendencias, interacción de regímenes jurídicos y principales retos normativos
There is broad consensus in the international community on the intrinsic value of biodiversity, and the need to collectively protect it from the threats posed by exploitation and by uses derived from new scientific, technological and, especially, biotechnological developments. Thus, the objectives of this project are: a) analysis of the… Read more“Diversidad biológica y Derecho Internacional: nuevos problemas y tendencias, interacción de regímenes jurídicos y principales retos normativos”
Recíproco encaje y coherencia de los ámbitos de los Reglamentos comunitarios de Derecho internacional privado
This project studies the limits and reciprocal coherence of the material scope of EC Regulations and other normative instruments of the EU in the field of private international law. This is mainly a practical problem for those implementing the law, who lack the tools for interpretation and integration within their… Read more“Recíproco encaje y coherencia de los ámbitos de los Reglamentos comunitarios de Derecho internacional privado”
State sovereignty over natural resources and the global race for strategic minerals for the energy transition: The basis for a sustainable and just future?” – PID2023-146791NB-I00 Main researchers: Mar Campins Eritja & Xavier Fernandez Pons Project details Igualdad de género y creencias en el marco de la Agenda 2030 –… Read more“Projects”
Andreu Olesti Rayo (Investigador principal) Personal web page Marta Abegón Novella Personal web page Rosa Ana Alija Fernández Personal web page Milagros Álvarez-Verdugo Personal web page Vésela Andreeva Andreeva Personal web page Eva Andrés Aucejo Personal web page Beatriz Añoveros Terradas Maximiliano Astorga Beltran Anna Maria Badia Martí Personal web… Read more“Members”
Research areas
The Research Group will continue its basic research work on contemporary International Law and European Union law, in which two central themes predominate: multilevel governance in any of the topics addressed, and the aims and milestones of the Agenda 2030. During this period, the research areas to which the competitive… Read more“Research areas”