Category: English
“On the Role of International Governmental Organizations in the Global Response to Adapt to Climate Change-induced Sea-level Rise: Conditioning Factors and Opportunities”, by Marta Abegón
Understanding vulnerability in the context of climate change, Mar Campins & Rahma Bentirou (Ed.)

Published in June 2022 the book Understanding vulnerability in the context of climate change, edited by Mar Campins Eritja and Rahma Bentirou Mathlouthi. “Vulnerability is a large, ambiguous, undetermined, and increasingly relevant concept. It is a notion that engages jurists, philosophers, sociologists and ecologists, all of whom have tried to… Read more“Understanding vulnerability in the context of climate change, Mar Campins & Rahma Bentirou (Ed.)”
“The evolution of the principle of freedom of establishment in the European Unión: the long path from Centros to the cross-border conversions Directive”, by Vésela Andreeva
GLOBAL TAX GOVERNANCE Taxation on Digital Economy Transfer Pricing and Litigation in Tax Matters (MAPs + ADR) Policies for Global Sustainability. Ongoing U.N. 2030 (SDG) and Addis Ababa Agendas, Andreu Olesti (Dir. & Ed.)

The new century highlights the relevance of the international tax cooperation policies within a global tax governance environment. In line with the recent launching of the Platform for Collaboration on Tax promoted by the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the World… Read more“GLOBAL TAX GOVERNANCE Taxation on Digital Economy Transfer Pricing and Litigation in Tax Matters (MAPs + ADR) Policies for Global Sustainability. Ongoing U.N. 2030 (SDG) and Addis Ababa Agendas, Andreu Olesti (Dir. & Ed.)”
La lección del ‘nunca más’ una aproximación interdisciplinar al contenido y alcance jurídico internacional de la obligación estatal de garantizar la no repetición a través de la educación en memoria
Education for memory is considered a key tool to prevent the repetition of serious human rights violations. However, from the international legal point of view, the content of the State’s obligation to guarantee non-repetition in this way is still very vague. Likewise, the formal incorporation of memory issues in educational… Read more“La lección del ‘nunca más’ una aproximación interdisciplinar al contenido y alcance jurídico internacional de la obligación estatal de garantizar la no repetición a través de la educación en memoria”
“Preferential Tariffs”, Laura Huici Sancho
Secesión, democracia y derechos humanos: la función del derecho internacional y europeo ante el proceso catalán
Project details (GREC) Members Helena Torroja Mateu (IP)Jessica María AlmqvistRafael Arenas GarcíaJuan María Bilbao UbillosJosé Fernando Lozano ContrerasAraceli Mangas MartínMaria Argelia Queralt Jimenez
30/09/2021 – Policy-making on International Economic Law Conference: Toward a new Global Tax Treaty on International Tax Cooperation and Global Tax Governance (II Preparatory work)

Book summary: GLOBAL TAX GOVERNANCE. Taxation on Digital Economy, Transfer Pricing and Litigation in Tax Matters (MAPs + ADR) Tax Policies for Global Sustainability. Ongoing U.N. 2030 (SDG) and Addis Ababa Action, Agendas Authors: GLOBAL TAX GOVERNANCE. Taxation on Digital Economy, Transfer Pricing and Litigation in Tax Matters (MAPs +… Read more“30/09/2021 – Policy-making on International Economic Law Conference: Toward a new Global Tax Treaty on International Tax Cooperation and Global Tax Governance (II Preparatory work)”
Biological Diversity and International Law, Mar Campins & Teresa Fajardo (Ed.)

The book focuses on the interactions between international legal regimes related to biodiversity governance. It addresses the systemic challenges by analyzing the legal interactions between international biodiversity law and related international law applicable to economic activities, as well as issues related to the governance of biodiversity based on functional, normative,… Read more“Biological Diversity and International Law, Mar Campins & Teresa Fajardo (Ed.)”