Although Francisco Franco and Augusto Pinochet both died of natural causes (Franco in 1975 and Pinochet in 2006), and neither of them were put on trial for the crimes committed under their regimes, their bodies did not share the same fate. A comparison of these two cases reveals how the treatment of a perpetrator’s corpse can, from the point of view of the international protection of human rights, constitute an obstacle to ending the impunity enjoyed by those responsible for the abuses. Conversely, the fight against that impunity can have a decisive bearing on the treatment applied to the remains of the deceased perpetrator. A close link may in fact be discerned between the fate of the corpses of mass criminals and the fight against impunity, along with the policy of commemoration, which is pursued – or not – by the state.
Autors: Alija Fernández; Rosa Ana
Títol: The Inextricable Path from a Deathbed to the Fight Against Impunity: The Cases of Franco and Pinochet
Revista: 013727 – Journal of Genocide Research () ISSN: 1462-3528
Volum: 20 Pàgina inicial: 261 Pàgina final: 274 Any: 2018 Clau: Article
Identificador digital: https://doi.org/10.1080/14623528.2018.1459166
Enllaç electrònic: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14623528.2018.1459166?tab=permissions&scroll=top&