Climate change and human health
Developments of the concept of resilience in the EU and its application in public health, biodiversity and climate change, Mar Campins Eritja, Universitat de Barcelona
Institutional governance and legal tools in the face of antimicrobial resistance, Xavier Pons Rafols, Universitat de Barcelona
EU action to protect and restore the world’s forests through trade restrictions, Xavier Fernández Pons, Universitat de Barcelona
Human health issues in the negotiation of the future BBNJ Agreement, Marta Abegón Novella, Universitat de Barcelona
The role of international basin organisations in integrating public health into the management of international watercourses, Pol Pallàs Secall, Universitat de Barcelona
Roundtable: Biodiversity and human health
Limits to species trafficking: a guarantee for biodiversity and public health, Josep María de Dios Marcer, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
The global challenges of the new EU Action Plan to combat Illegal Trade in Species- IWT, Teresa Fajardo del Castillo, Universidad de Granada
The role of biodiversity and ecosystems as a tool for climate resilience in the Caribbean, Luis Enrique Rodríguez Rivera, Universidad de Puerto Rico
Islands and net zero: Biodiversity and Health co-benefits, Francesco Sindico, University of Strathclyde
Roundable: Human rights and human health
International strategic litigation for the protection of human rights linked to biodiversity and climate change before the ECtHR, Jaume Saura Estapà, Universtat de Barcelona
Towards an integrated approach in the environmental litigation before the CJEU, Rahma Bentirou Mathlouthi, HES-SO/Haute École de Travail Social Fribourg
The Escazú Agreement and the Inter-American Human Rights System: a rich synergy already in action, Gastón Medici Colombo, Universitat de Barcelona
The methodology of the dialogue of knowledge in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity for tackling global diseases, Marcia Rodrigues Bertoldi, Universitat de Barcelona-Universidade Federal de Pelotas